Future Developments in Solar Energy
Although solar thermal is considered a fairly mature technology, with a proven
record over several decades in many countries, modification and improvement of
existing products and systems continues as does the quest for its application in new areas.
Collectors have continuously improved, with new selective absorber coatings and
non-reflective glass coatings for flat-plates. While competitive challenges from
new manufacturing areas has brought the price of evacuated tube collectors close
to parity with flat-plate collectors. New simpler system typologies have been
developed, some of which remove the need for glycol and decrease maintenance.
Along with this has come the application of polymer materials to un-pressurised store designs,
drain-back and direct system pipework and even to some collector designs.
New phase change materials are being investigated, which may eventually displace
water as the storage material and possibly offer more compact or long-term storage.
Solar thermal is being used to construct thermal power stations in sunny countries
and to drive combined heating and cooling systems in commercial and industrial contexts.
With all the increased interest in this oldest of technologies, the future of solar looks bright!